Our Conservation, Research & Environmental Work


Learn more about the work we do here at Hobbledown to protect animals & the environment - visit our 'Research and Conservation' section.

With “Family Animal Contact Experiences to Forging Active Conservation Education” (FACE to FACE) as a driving force to our messaging, we seek to connect our guests to our animals to help inspire stewardship and care for the natural world and all of its resources.

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Our animals


From Meerkats to Camels, Hobbledown is home to a wide collection of farm and zoo animals, all housed in spacious enclosures with plenty of room to roam and play.

Or try one of our Experience Days - whether it's Feeding the Meerkats or the Full Zookeeper Experience, we have plenty of ways to give your animal-loving Hobbling a very special day.




Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning 'little armored one' and refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and tail of most of these fascinating looking creatures.

Hobbledown Lemurs

Ring-Tailed Lemur


The Ring-Tailed Lemur is an endangered primate native only to Madagascar. They can live for up to 15 years in the wild!

Bactrian Camels Hobbledown Epsom

Bactrian Camel


These two-humped camels can grow up to 12ft! It's a myth that they store water in their humps - they actually store fat.

Meerkat Hobbledown Epsom



The Meerkat is a small mongoose found in southern Africa. They are known as the Hobbledown guards because of the way they always stand to attention!

Wallaby Hobbledown Epsom

Bennett’s Wallaby


These springy animals all the way from Tasmania click and chatter to communicate. Get up close and personal in their wonderful walkthrough.

Prairie Dog Hobbledown Epsom

Black-tailed prairie dog


The 'dog' part of the prairie dog's name comes from its incredible bark. They live in complex burrow systems, which is why they're always busy digging.

Otter Hobbledown Epsom

Asian Short-clawed Otter


With cat-like whiskers, webbed feet and smooth bodies, these otters love to swim and hunt for crabs.

African Pygmy Goat Hobbledown Epsom

African Pygmy Goat


Bearded goat with excellent climbing skills. Check out their wonderful walkthrough if you want to see them up close!

Mara Hobbledown Epsom



With strong hind legs, the Mara are members of the rodent family and can move extremely fast.

Llamas Hobbledown Epsom



These funny-looking creatures come from the high altitudes of the South American Andes, and often spit up and chew their food over and over again!

Rabbit Hobbledown Epsom

Giant Flemish Rabbit


These cottontail rabbits are gentle giants; they can grow up to 1.3 metres long!

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These giant rodents are fantastic swimmers, extremely social, and very chilled-out! They are close relatives to the (much smaller) guinea pig.

Peafowl Hobbledown Epsom



The females are called 'peahens', while the males are the 'peacocks' - and they're the ones with the glorious fan of fancy feathers.

Sheep Hobbledown Epsom



Woolly-haired sheep that loves to lazily graze.

Miniature Horses Have Arrived

Miniature Horses


Yes, they're different to ponies! Miniature horses are often smaller, less muscular and stocky, and are more likely to be kept as pets than their working pony counterparts.




Though they're very fond of rolling in wet mud to cool off, pigs are actually very clean animals!

Nilgai Hobbledown Epsom



Nilgai are the largest Asian antelope, and they can run up to 29mph. Their name literally translates to 'blue cow'.

Rhea Hobbledown Epsom



As a species of bird, it may surprise you to learn that Rheas cannot fly. Instead, they run about all helter-skelter, as they cannot move in a straight line!

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Guinea Pig


A common pet and highly social animal, domestic guinea pigs originate in the Andes of South America. Despite the name, they're not actually related to pigs at all.


Lilac Breasted Roller


This beautifully coloured African bird can often be found nesting in natural cavities in trees or termite hills.


White-cheeked Turaco

Turacos use their long tails for balance, and can live for 10 - 12 years.

Goeldi’S Monkey, Singapore Zoo

Goeldi's Monkeys


This small monkey has shaggy black hair, claw-like nails and a long tail. 

Saguinus Midas Flk24863753

Golden-handed Tamarins


These animals are likely named after King Midas from Greek mythology, who could turn objects to gold just by touching them. They are native to South America.

Weißbüschelaffe (Callithrix Jacchus)

Common Marmosets


These monkeys have white tufts of hair on the sides of their heads, and their diet mainly consists of sap and gum from trees.

Tortoise Epsom



We have four species of tortoise at Hobbledown: Hermann’s tortoise – Near Threatened; Horsfield’s tortoise – Vulnerable; Leopard tortoise – Least concern; African spurred tortoise (sulcata) – Endangered.
