Attention To De'tail’ Wins Peacocks Their Names
7th Sept 2012
OUR three new peacocks now have names, thanks to the scores of people who put forward their suggestions.
The Hobblers were left with a choice of more than 70 names to choose from, after we asked for help in naming the colourful birds.
Among the offerings were Blue, Bluey, India (peacocks are the national bird of India), Elizabeth (in honour of the Jubilee), Liberace, Lillibeth, Peter, Penelope, Paddy, Petunia and Feathers.
There were also plenty of references to Team GB’s Olympic success with the suggestions of GB, Ennis, Jess, Victoria and Mo.
But in the end the Hobblers opted for Priscilla Pimpertail for the boy, and Hera (the peacock is mentioned in Greek mythology and was the bird of Hera, queen of the Gods) and Rani (means Queen in Hindi) for the two girls.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter.