21 April 2017


More than 3,500 new plants are being planted at Hobbledown as part of an ambitious horticultural programme.

Over the past three weeks our gardeners have been busy planting more than 2,000 metres of native hedgerow plants and Gorse to help improve biodiversity at Hobbledown and provide our animals with as natural a setting as possible in their enclosures.

Hobbledown’s owners are always striving for ways to further enhance the biodiversity value of the park.

Other recent projects have included planting more than 300 new trees during the past two years, installing green roofs on all of our animal enclosures, and creating 3000 sq ft of wild meadow flowers by our oak tree.

We have also created a total of five new ponds for our Nilgai, Zebu and Shetland Ponies, and we have put in place 30  bird boxes, 4 owl boxes, 25 lady bird houses and several bat boxes.

In 2016 Hobbledown was named a runner-up in the category for ‘Best Business for the Commitment to the Environment’ at Epsom and Ewell Business Awards.
