Helping customers celebrate their special occasion safely is something we are passionate about at Hobbledown Heath. This means protecting people who may have allergies or intolerances.
The introduction of Natasha’s Law (The UK Food Information Amendment) came into force on 01/10/21. This means any birthday cakes, cupcakes or party celebration cakes brought into our venues by the party organiser must be either shop bought or baked by a reputable baker/cake maker. By law these suppliers will have to supply the allergens information.
Unfortunately homemade cakes will no longer be allowed to be brought into birthday parties.
It is your responsibility as organiser of the party to ascertain any allergies that your guests may have and take appropriate action.
Information required on your cake are below:
- Name of supplier (if not shop bought)
- Full ingredients list, with allergenic ingredients emphasised (for example in bold, italics or a different colour).