Conservation Strategy

Hobbledown Heath Full Purp V2

Hobbledown Heath Conservation Strategy

Hobbledown Heath is committed to conservation and will strive to be an inspirational, and positive influence on our guests and a "lead by example" community resource to promote and support local and national conservation education efforts.

By partnering with local and national conservation groups Hobbledown Heath intends to host selected events per annum, targeted at raising awareness of native wildlife conservation.

In late 2023, our bird of prey centre partners, Coda Falconry, launched its conservation charity, The Featherwell Foundation and we look forward to supporting this massive achievement and endeavor in 2024.

Additionally, in 2023 we began our support as a host venue for the Royal Society of the Protection of Birds and will continue our support into 2024. 

For us, in order to be successful at creating, managing and the development of our own long term conservation goals, it is essential that we arm our team with conservation skills and aim to provide robust conservation training and work experience opportunities. Delivered by wildlife experts, highly trained in their fields, this knowledge will prepare Hobbledown Heath’s animal team for this endeavor.

Each year, we will ensure our animal team are provided with additional conservation training as available, and opportunities to attend conferences where they can network and share valuable conservation initiatives and information. It will be required that each year, conservation posters, research projects and papers, and or talks on our works and progress will be submitted for peer review and presentation consideration to further share conservation information and immerse our team in native conservation activities.

Comprehensive signage will be created and placed across the site to bring attention to Hobbledown Heath’s conservation projects, backyard conservation and actions to be taken at home to protect native flora and fauna as well as how our guests can support our projects.

Our website now contains easy to navigate research, conservation, and environmental pages that will provide more in-depth views into our projects and how our guests can become involved and support.  

2024 will also see the launch of a biannual conservation online newsletter and annual summary reports to update on project progress, promote research opportunities for university learners and announce new projects we are developing.

2024 will see us launch our new sustainability and carbon reduction plan managed by our hewly appointed and dedicated Sustainability Champions. We will track our carbon footprint throughout each year and publish our survey results as we explore new ways to operate in a more sustainable and responsible manner.

Is the zoo participating in at least one of the following?

  • research from which conservation benefits accrue to species of wild
  • training in relevant conservation
  • the exchange of information relating to the conservation of species of wild
  1. iv) where appropriate, breeding of wild animals in
  • where appropriate, the repopulation of an area with, or the reintroduction into the wild of, wild animals.


Where possible, Hobbledown and Hobbledown Heath will continue to reduce its carbon footprint and going forward make sustainable choices. By doing this we are setting a strong example to our guests, team, and future generations.

Under the Secretary of State’s Standards of Modern Zoo Practice, we welcome the responsibility to the teaching of relevant conservation skills, exchanging information relating to conservation species with peers and other institutions, and sharing information with our guests through signage, talks, and presentations.

Hobbledown and Hobbledown Heath’s aim is to continue to research projects to include more potential repopulation or reintroduction of species programmes as and when we increase our animal populations relevant to research or those involved in captive breeding.


Sincerely Endorsed by the Hobbledown & Hobbledown Heath Teams!

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