
Our research
Hobbledown Heath recognises the importance of, and fully supports research that further advances knowledge of animal behaviour in a captive environment to improve welfare, that which inspires and renews community interest and stewardship of nature's resources, and that which benefits the wider zoological and scientific communities and educational institutions.
Priority is given to projects that are connected to, or are of benefit to, Hobbledown Heath, Coda Falconry, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Taxon Advisory Groups, British Veterinarians Zoological Society, Crane Valley Partnership, Friends of the River Crane, and Natural England.
This document outlines the criteria in which research is to be undertaken at either Hobbledown or Hobbledown Heath. Please read this document carefully and then complete the submission form to register your interest in proposing a new research project with our education team or choose a suggested research project from the available list.

Please note
You will receive immediate confirmation of receipt of your submission but allow up to two weeks for a response as some requests, depending on the nature of the research, will require approval from the ethics committee.
If we require additional information, one of our education team will contact you directly.